Big Enough: Pioneering the Small Home Revolution in Western Mass

small house with solar panels and ramp
Rendering of future Habitat home on Smith Street in Greenfield, MA

This spring in Greenfield, Pioneer Valley Habitat is planning to break ground on a small 2 bedroom house that is less than 1,000 square feet.  This home will be super energy efficient and have solar panels donated by our friends at PV Squared and cost less than $135,000 for the future homeowner.  Habitat spent $35,000 on the land and is trying to keep costs for construction to around $100,000. But what would it take to build a house that had half the price tag?  Would it need half the square footage?  What other changes would be needed to get our design and construction to $50,000?

In addition to our regular building work, Pioneer Valley Habitat for Humanity is going to be asking experts and interested people over the next few months to weigh in on this question.  Can we increase access to homeownership options by building small?  What will be big enough?

Stay tuned for more exciting developments as we work with you to pioneer the small home revolution in western Mass.